Angel of Death

They call him Angel de la Muerte; the angel of death.

Father Juan is a good priest with a bad problem; people around him die. He never kills, and they are always guilty of terrible sins, but they die just the same. Now he finds himself in Nazareth, Texas, a small town which is both off-the-map, and his last chance – only Nazareth doesn’t feel like a last chance to Father Juan, it feels like home. So when a mysterious drought sweeps through the town he does what any good priest would do; he helps. Yet help from the Angel of Death can sometimes lead to more permanent solutions. As Father Juan has discovered when bargaining with Santa Muerte, the Saint of Death, her idea of “solutions” usually come with a toe tag.

This is my first novel. The work is all mine, and I claim copyright and all rights therein. Please do not copy and paste large parts from it without my permission, but do feel free to post a link to this page. The file is a pdf, which can be read by most e-book readers including the Kindle.


Angel Of Death_1.1


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  1. Pingback: Outtake from Angel of Death | Backwater

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