Mind The Slice Book 2

After much mulling I started working on the second book in this series. My working title is Fight From The Inside. Don’t know if that will stick or not. Don’t care. Yesterday I spent my writing time roughing an outline, and getting some of the ideas from my head to the paper. I do this a lot on a novel. Writing ideas down seems to make them more real, and causes me to think through all of the ramifications. Like how fast do the IFB’s ships travel? Where do they meet? Etc.

So today, after having a rough idea how and where to start, I decided to let Lilah lose again and see what she had to say. 1,400 words later I ran out of time, but not ideas. Lilah has opinions, and she doesn’t have issues with expressing them. Normally I average maybe 1000 words/day, so this was an unexpected gush. It was also a lot of fun. What I wrote will need a lot of editing, there’s all kinds of junk in there and repartition, and so forth, but honestly I’m very happy to dive in.

All that to say, Book 2 has begun.