Do you like ghost stories? I do. I don’t collect them like I used to, but I still read them. For some reason I’ve never become a fan of horror fiction, but I like ghost stories. I guess there are limits on how much blood I can take. I noticed Trevor likes them as well. Both in written form and in graphic novels.
Each year I usually finish a good ghost story near Halloween. In 2010 I wrote a ghost story about an old couple swinging to a big band called Last Dance. Since I don’t have a Fiction page up yet on the new site, I think I’ll just post it here tomorrow. If you’ve ever played in a jazz band, you’ll probably enjoy it.
This year my Halloween story, complete with zombies and lots of blood, is still under construction. So I think I’m going to release another story, one I finished in 2011, called Wisdom. I’ve yet to find a home for it, so here is where it will sit. Look for it on Thursday.
Do you have a favorite scary story?