Clean, Glorious Clean

The wife and I broke down our computer setup in the office, took everything out, and cleaned the desk area top to bottom. Man was there a lot of dust bunnies behind my monitors.

Now my computer has a new internal 250 Gb HD (to replace the one I had which had issues with SATA 1.5), a new external 1Tb backup drive, and a new external ( the old internal 1Tb, the one with SATA issues, now in a new SATA 3.0 enclosure) which will get used for something (I don’t know yet). We also switched from a regular wired router to an Apple AirPort Extreme Base Station, which sounds a lot cooler than it is. The APEBS is just a wired/wireless router, and was dead easy to install. We needed something because we also got a MacBook Pro so we could travel with all of our accounts, and so Trevor could also have a computer.

We have been rapidly becoming a three computer family, only we had two computers, and they were so close to each other they could only be comfortably used from one chair; effectively one at a time.  A recipe for familial strife if I’ve ever seen one. Now the two computers in the office are far enough apart that both Teri and I can get online, and Trevor can compute from anywhere in the house. Glorious! Three boxes, no waiting.

My eldest sister is wise enough to have her two computers in separate rooms in her house. Smart. Teri and I still share an office, a fact that cannot be fixed short of a massive increase in square footages (and boy do I have some awesomely cool plans for expanding our evil empire). However, until funding permits, we’re still stuck together. Now we can at least both be online, and not trip over each other.

The second office station still has some issues, boxes and such need to be moved so the second chair can get back in there, but at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Now all I have to send out the Xmas cards. Oh yes, we do has a wonderful new design this year. Guaranteed to make any NRA member practically burst at the seems with pride. I’ll put it up on this site, but only after all the cards have gone out. Gotta give close friends and family a slight break. I’m sure you understand.

More Bad Poetry

I wrote this poem/song about the experience of living in LA. Anyone who has ever spent too much of their day looking at the line of stupid cars ahead of you, will know exactly what this means.

Thousands Millions Billions Trillions
(a song)

We all live in the same town;
the town of lit-up dreams.
We all drive the same car.
We all have the same job.
We all crowd the same roads
by the thousands, millions, billions, trillions.

We all live in the same town;
thirsting for the big time.
Lusting after the same car.
Looking for the same job.
Filling up the same roads
by the thousands, millions, billions, trillions.

We all look up,
look up to the top,
and stare that the chosen few.
We fight each other
tooth, claw, and nail
for the scraps left
off their table.
fighting to fill the same job
by the thousands, millions, billions, trillions.

We all live in the same town.
We all have the same dream.
To be unique we ride the same train.
To be different we all act the same.
We all scream our individuality is real
by the thousands, millions, billions, trillions.

8:45 pm

Poetry from the past

As you read this:

Words will have flown from my finger tips,
scattered amongst the electronic,
tides and eddies of the web.
Twisting into terrible lives.
Their fierce energy hitting brain tissue,
with a powerful smack.
Huge verbs and nouns,
ripping and tearing.

Prophesying with a single voice;


10:00 am